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From the Fans


You will NOT be disappointed!!

I received my copy of The Krueger Curse 2 days ago, but I only just got a chance to start it today and within 2 hours I have read it from cover to cover, I could NOT stop reading... it was so fantastically written that it bought tears to my eyes, the back-story is something that I have always imagined, but this book beats ANYTHING that I have imagined, as a HUGE Freddy Fan I urge anyone who likes or loves Freddy.. The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise to get this novel. You will NOT be disappointed!!


Fills in all the blanks

“Beatrice Boepple crafted such a poignant and vital story that fills in all the blanks on the Elm Street lore that have been missing for decades. Getting to “know” Amanda and other vital characters was a real treat to experience. I simply could not put The Krueger Curse down and read it in just over 2 hours. Wes Craven would be proud of this book!”

A must read!

Wow!! This is a great staple for all Nightmare on Elm Street fans. Explains so much!!! It's a must read to understand Freddy. Thank you Thank you!!! And I forgot to mention all the h*ll Amanda went through. Heart wrenching.

Amazing job!

Got mine over the weekend, meant to only read a few pages, couldn’t put it down! (Beatrice Boepple) did an amazing job!

Crazy Ride

20 pages in, boy it's dark. Pretty crazy ride so far! But that's expected considering we're learning about the history of Freddy Krueger.
I'm loving it!


More realistic & satisfying..

“I thoroughly enjoyed the book, (Beatrice’s) take on Freddy's birth was more realistic and more satisfying than the one portrayed on film. A must read for any Fred Head"


Loved every second

I received my copy of The Krueger Curse and enjoyed every minute of it. If you are a Freddy fan you have to read it; it's a must read!  I loved every second of it even with the bloopers.  If you’re a Fred Head, you have to read it. ‘Nuff said! 5/5 10/10. Would recommend it to every fan out there.


Soaked with atmosphere 

I thought I’d browse through (the book) but the writing was so good that I ended up reading the entire book. It’s a quick and enjoyable read, soaked with the atmosphere of the Elm Street movies. You can see the character preparation (Beatrice) did for the role to embody Amanda Krueger as we feel like we’re in her shoes, reliving her trauma as the story she recounts leaps off the page. It’s gripping and harrowing in places, just like a horror story should be and nicely sets up the decisions that lead to the birth of one of cinema’s greatest movie monsters. The prison experience and birth are glossed over but then we have visuals for these in Elm Street 5, so it makes more sense to not describe what we’ve already been shown and add to the lore instead. And that (this book) certainly did! I liked that it was a quick read and explores the life and tribulations of Amanda as only (Beatrice) could have really described since (she) had the background to the character. Thank you for writing this book, for maintaining the sense of dread that flows through the movies and for the ‘reveals’ that end up shaping the Krueger legacy. I think you’ve honored the character well and hope Robert Englund likes it too when he reads it!


Thought provoking 

Author and actress Beatrice Boepple has composed a fantastic and thought-provoking book that all of the dedicated fans of the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" franchise will instantly love. Her novel, "The Krueger Curse: A Nightmare Before Elm Street" effectively answers all of the unanswered questions to the horrific origins of the Freddy Krueger. The novel is dark and heart breaking at the same time, as the story is presented from the tortured voice of Freddy's own mother, Amanda Krueger. But who better than Freddy's own mother, also portrayed by the book's author Beatrice Boepple in "A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child" to reveal Freddy's own twisted back story? Altogether, Beatrice manages to deliver a masterpiece that the late Wes Craven would surely approve of.

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